Monday, October 22, 2007


I just returned from the three-day Bioneers Conference and my head is swimming with ideas, emotions and hope for our society and our planet. There was so much positive information, so many success stories from people on the front lines of the new sustainable paradigm, that it was impossible for anyone who witnessed it to come away unchanged, or unmotivated.

Yes, it's easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom scenarios we face because of global climate chaos, but I heard the stories of so many incredible people doing the most amazing things that it truly made my heart sing. From Van Jones' work training the disenfranchised youth of Oakland for green jobs to the incredible inventor Jay Harmon's use of BioMimicry in industrial design; from food expert Jeffrey Smith's lecture on the documented health risks of genetically engineered foods to Paul Anastas' amazing tour of the emerging field of green chemistry; and from Vagina Monologues' author Eve Ensler's inspiring talk on her V-Day project to Native Movement chairman Evon Peter's wise guidance, this conference presented a wealth of information about solutions to climate change challenges as well as social justice, farming, and spiritual topics. I have come away profoundly affected by this eclectic yet interrelated community of doers, creative thinkers, and problem solvers. I don't mind saying I was affected emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. And I came away very heartened at the potential for cooperation in the coming months and years.

I will be writing more on some of these talks in the coming weeks. In the meantime, check out some of the links above for some interesting reading.


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